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    Feng Liu (刘锋), Ph. D.


    Associate Professor 副教授

    Business School, Shandong University, Weihai, China.

    Principal Investigator (PI) of Star-lights Research Team (星耀科研小组)

    Editorial Board: Small Business Economics (SSCI), Journal of Competitiveness (SSCI), Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI), International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy

    Young Editorial Board: Data Science and Management


    Email address: liufeng@sdu.edu.cn




    刘锋博士,山东临沂人,1990年1月出生,现任山东大学商学院副教授,硕士生导师,入选山东大学(威海)青年学者未来计划,博士毕业于韩国高丽大学商学院。研究领域包括供应链管理、运营管理以及与人工智能(机器学习与深度学习)的交叉融合,以第一或通讯作者在Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Production Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, China Economic Review, Expert Systems with Applications等SCI/SSCI 来源刊物上发表论文 20余篇,带领星耀科研小组(Star-lights Research Team)的本科生在Operations Management Research, Service Business, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management等国际期刊发表论文多篇。主持教育部人文社科青年项目一项,担任Small Business Economics(SSCI), Journal of Competitiveness (SSCI), Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI)等多个期刊的编委以及Data Science and Management的青年编委。2020年获得了工业和信息部颁发的<大数据分析师高级证书>,具备大数据采集、分析、教学等专项技术水平。




  • Research Interests

    • Operation management
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Small Business Economics
    • The intersection of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning and Deep Learning)
    • 供应链管理、运营管理、中小企业管理以及与人工智能(机器学习与深度学习)的交叉融合

  • Affiliations

    • September 2023 - Now: Associate Professor at the Business School, Shandong University, Weihai.
    • March 2020 - August 2023: Assistant Professor at the Business School, Shandong University, Weihai.
    • March 2017 - February 2020: PhD in Business (Major in Logistics, Service & Operations Management), Korea University Business School.

  • Selected Publications

    (* corresponding author)

    1. Operations and Supply Chain Management


    本系列研究成果主要致力于:1. 扩宽供应链集中度的内涵,在客户集中度和供应商集中度的基础上引出地区集中度与产品集中度的概念;2. 探索HACCP运营管理体系的经济价值;3. 数字化转型与供应链运营管理的交叉融合。
    1. Liu, F., Liu, C., Wang, X., Park, K., & Fang, M. * (2023). Keep concentrated and carry on: redesigning supply chain concentration in the face of COVID-19. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2023.2175803
    2. Liu, F., Fang, M., Xiao, S.(S). *, & Shi, Y. (2024) Mitigating bullwhip effect in supply chains by engaging in digital transformation: the moderating role of customer concentration. Annals of Operations Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-024-05908-7
    3. Liu, F., Rhim, H., Park, K., Xu, J., & Lo, C. K. * (2021). HACCP certification in food industry: Trade-offs in product safety and firm performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 231,107838. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107838 
    4. Liu, F., Wang, Q., Zhang, Z., Fang, M. and Xiao, S.(S). *(2023). Lean inventory, fintech and financing: interactive influences on Chinese SMEs, Management Decision, 61(8), 2302-2321. https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-06-2022-0878 (星耀科研小组成果)
    5. Liu, F., Kim, B. C. *, & Park, K. (2022). Supplier-base concentration as a moderating variable in the non-linear relationship between R&D and firm value. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 30(2), 342-363. https://doi.org/10.1080/19761597.2020.1853576
    6. Liu, F., & Park, K. * (2021). Managing firm risk through supply chain dependence: an SME perspective, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36(12), 2231–2242. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-05-2019-0229
    7. Liu, F., Fang, M., Park, K., & Chen, X. * (2021) Supply chain finance, performance, and risk: How do SMEs adjust their buyer-supplier relationship for competitiveness?. Journal of Competitiveness, 13(4), 78–95. https://doi.org/10.7441/joc.2021.04.05
    8. Chen, X., Liu, C., Liu, F. *, & Fang, M. (2021). Firm Sustainable Growth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Customer Concentration. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(6), 1566-1577. https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2021.190488
    9. Liu, C., Li, Y., Fang, M., & Liu, F. * . (2023). Using machine learning to explore the determinants of service satisfaction with online healthcare platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Service Business, 17, 449–476. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-023-00535-x (星耀科研小组
    10. Fang, M., Liu, F., Xiao, S., & Park, K.* (2023). Hedging the bet on digital transformation in strategic supply chain management: a theoretical integration and an empirical test. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 53(4), 512-531.. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-12-2021-0545
    11. Fang, M., Liu, F., & Park, K. * (2022). Is inventory performance helping to improve SME credit ratings? The moderating role of supply chain concentration. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2022.215645
    12. Fang, M., Yu, Y., Park, K., Liu, F., Xiao, S. S., & Shi, Y. (2024). Supply chain relationship dependencies and circular economy performance: The contingency role of digitalization capability. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100902. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pursup.2024.100902 

    2. Machine Learning and Deep Learning Applications


    1. Sun, R, Liu, F. * , Li, Y., Wang, R. & Luo, J (2024) Machine Learning for Predicting Corporate Violations: How Do CEO Characteristics Matter? Forthcoming, Journal of Business Ethics (FT50)https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-024-05685-0 (星耀科研小组)
    2. Liu, F., Wang, R. & Fang, M. *. (2024) Mapping green innovation with machine learning: Evidence from China, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 200, 123107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.123107  (星耀科研小组
    3. Liu, F., Long, X., Zhang, Z., Lin, Dong., and Fang, M. *(2023). What makes you entrepreneurial? Using machine learning to investigate the determinants of entrepreneurship in China, China Economic Review, 81, 102029. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2023.102029 (星耀科研小组成果
    4. Liu, F., Huang, W., Zhang, J., & Fang, M. * . (2024). Corporate social responsibility in family business: Using machine learning to uncover who is doing good. Technology in Society, 102453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102453  (星耀科研小组成果
    5. Wang, M., Yu, Y., & Liu, F. * . (2023). Does Digital Transformation Curb the Formation of Zombie Firms? A Machine Learning Approach. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2023.2296007  (星耀科研小组成果
    6. Zhang, J., Zhu, M. & Liu, F. *. Find who is doing social good: using machine learning to predict corporate social responsibility performance. Operations Management Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12063-023-00427-3 (星耀科研小组成果
    7. Zhang, S., Luo, J., Wang, S., & Liu, F. *. (2023). Oil price forecasting: A hybrid GRU neural network based on decomposition–reconstruction methods. Expert Systems with Applications, 218, 119617. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.119617 (星耀科研小组成果
    8. Liu, C., Li, Y., Fang, M., & Liu, F. * . (2023). Using machine learning to explore the determinants of service satisfaction with online healthcare platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Service Business, 17, 449–476. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-023-00535-x(星耀科研小组成果
    9. Liu, W., Liu, C., Luo, J., & Liu, F.* (2024). How does digital transformation promote total factor productivity? Strategy, technology, and application. Managerial and Decision Economics, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.4155 (星耀科研小组成果)
    10. Liu, C., Chen, Y., Huang, S., Chen, X., & Liu, F. * (2023). Assessing the Determinants of Corporate Risk-Taking Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Systems, 11(5), 263. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11050263 (星耀科研小组成果
    11. Sun, C., & Liu, F.* (2024). VSEM-SAMMI: An Explainable Multimodal Learning Approach to Predict User-Generated Image Helpfulness and Product Sales. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 17(1), 97. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44196-024-00495-8 (星耀科研小组成果)

    Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs


    1. Liu, F., Dutta, D. K. *, & Park, K. (2020). From external knowledge to competitive advantage: absorptive capacity, firm performance, and the mediating role of labour productivity. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 33(1), 18-30. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2020.1787373
    2. Cao, J., Liu, F. *, Shang, M., & Zhou, X. (2021). Toward street vending in post COVID-19 China: Social networking services information overload and switching intention. Technology in Society, 66, 101669. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101669\
    3. Wang, X., Wong, Y. D., Liu, F., & Yuen, K. F. * (2021). A push–pull–mooring view on technology-dependent shopping under social distancing: When technology needs meet health concerns. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, 121109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121109 
    4. Wang, X., Wong, Y. D., Liu, F., & Yuen, K. F. (2023). Consumers' paradoxical motives of co-creation: From self-service technology to crowd-sourcing platform. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 197, 122934. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122934
    5. Yu, W., Dai, S. *, Liu, F., & Yang, Y. (2022). Matching disruptive innovation paths with entrepreneurial networks: a new perspective on startups’ growth with Chinese evidence. Asian Business & Management, 22, 878–902. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-022-00177-3 
    6. Xu, J., & Liu, F. *, & Shang, Y. (2020). R&D investment, ESG performance and green innovation performance: evidence from China, Kybernetes, 50(3), 737-756. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-12-2019-0793
    7. 余维臻,陈立峰 & 刘锋. (2020). 后发情境下创业企业如何成为“独角兽”——颠覆性创新视角的探索性案例研究. 科学学研究, https://doi.org/10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053.20200924.006

    Star-lights Research Team: 

    Members are excellent undergraduate students who work with me.

    Research is a lot like love,
    and the commitment to be a researcher is a lot like saying “I do”.

    The publications of Star-lights Research Team 


    1. Oil price forecasting: A hybrid GRU neural network based on decomposition–reconstruction methods


    数学与统计学院2020级本科生张世奇以第一作者在国际权威期刊 ExpertSystems With Applications (IF= 8.665, SCI一区)发表了题为《Oil price forecasting: A hybrid GRU neuralnetwork based on decomposition–reconstruction methods(《石油价格预测。基于分解-重建方法的混合GRU神经网络》)的研究论文。


    2. Using machine learning to explore the determinants of service satisfaction with online healthcare platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic


    商学院2020级工商管理(商务智能星耀科研小组成员,保研至北京理工大学)专业本科生刘成禹同学以第一作者在SSCI权威期刊Service Business (影响因子 5.9,SSCI 二区)发表了题为“Using machinelearning to explore the determinants of service satisfaction with online healthcare platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic(基于机器学习探索新冠疫情背景下在线医疗平台服务满意度的决定因素)”的论文。该论文的指导老师为商学院助理研究员刘锋博士,合作者包括商学院李燕副研究员,高丽大学商学院博士生方明杰。作为服务管理领域高水平期刊,ServiceBusiness 年均发文量仅40篇左右,该论文是商学院运营管理与决策科学青年创新团队指导本科生围绕数智化管理决策方向取得的又一优异成果。


    3. Find who is doing social good: using machine learning to predict corporate social responsibility performance
    商学院本科生 张静(19物流管理供应链管理方向,星耀科研小组成员,保研至华南理工大学)以第一作者在国际权威期刊 Operations Management Research (影响因子9.0, SSCI一区)发表了题为《Find who is doing social good: using machine learning to predict corporate social responsibility performance》(找出谁在做社会公益:利用机器学习预测企业社会责任表现)的研究论文。


    4. Does digital transformation curb the formation of zombie firms? A machine learning approach

    王明月(20金融合专业,星耀科研小组成员,保研至北大汇丰)作为第一作者,于艳玲(22企业管理硕士研究生)为第二作者共同完成的论文" Does digital transformation curb the formation of zombie firms? A machine learning approach"发表在SSCI权威期刊Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,该研究通过机器学习算法对如何通过数字化转型预防僵尸企业形成进行了探索,相关发现为我国经济健康发展、企业高质量发展献计献策。


    5. VSEM-SAMMI: An Explainable Multimodal Learning Approach to Predict User-Generated Image Helpfulness and Product Sales


    星耀科研小组成员 孙承文(21 数学与应用数学专业)以第一作者在国际SCI期刊 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 发表了题为“VSEM-SAMMI: An Explainable Multimodal Learning Approach to Predict User-Generated Image Helpfulness and Product Sales”(VSEM-SAMMI:一种预测用户生成图片的有用性和产品销量的可解释多模态学习方法)”的研究论文。






